my dads leg is swollen, he's 57. Its been swollen for a week, he says it just happened over night. he says there is not a lot of pain but now he says that he thigh has swollen too and its hard to move. I had him to ice it, stretch it out, elevate it with pillows and to also take some aleve. is there anything else that he needs to do? does he need to go to the doctor?
my dads leg is swollen, he's 57. Its been swollen for a week, he says it just happened over night. he says there is not a lot of pain but now he says that he thigh has swollen too and its hard to move. I had him to ice it, stretch it out, elevate it with pillows and to also take some aleve. is there anything else that he needs to do? does he need to go to the doctor?