I am 29 years old (5'5, 128lbs) and am experiencing a abnormal menstrual cycle this month that is very painful. I had a c-section with my son on 9/30/09 and still nurse him. The last few periods I have had slightly irregular, but not extreme. Three periods ago I had a heavier than normal period, Two periods ago it was lighter than normal, and I have noticed some of my periods are shorter than they used to be. I started my period yesterday and noticed I have more bloating than normal in my stomach and pelvic area. Also, about 12 hours into my period is when it started to get abnormally painful. The pain is constant and all over my pelvic area, especially near my c-section scar, with lots of pressure. Its almost as if I feel more discomfort because of how bloated my pelvic area is. I experience more pain and pressure when I sit and lay in certain positions. I had a uncomfortable bowl movement last night, but I wasn't sure if it was because of the tenderness in my pelvic area. Sometimes I have uncomfortable bowl movements on the first day of my period because of my period cramping, but the bowl movement last night was more painful than normal. Also, I had an issue I have been wanting to bring up to my OB, but now that I had this type of issue with the same area I will bring it up. In the last few months I have been having pain in my c-section scar area after orgasims....almost like the pain you experience after a muscle cramp. The pain goes away after a few minutes. I was planning on calling my OB on Monday morning to try to schedule an appointment, but I want to make sure I don't need to go to an urgent clinic or something before then and also if you have any ideas what might be going on. Thanks