I'm 64 yrs. old. The middle fingernail of my left hand became suddenly painful 4 days ago. It caused throbbing most of the night.
The following day it still hurt but throbbing let up some, it was bearable. I noticed a dark spot under the fingernail close to the skin. Today that spot is still in same location but also under skin now. It hurts to the touch. Have been soaking in epsom salt but don"t get any relief. The skin is slightly swollen by that spot and is warm to the touch. First I thought gout, had that 3 yrs. ago in toe. It feels this painful but this has that dark spot. Read a little on glomus tumor but not certain if this could be the case. I don't know if I should go to urgent care or schedule to see my Dr. Thank you for any advice you can give me. Female 64 yrs. 5'4" 170lbs. Heart by-pass 12 yrs ago, felt slight pressure while walking upstairs and went to Dr. and was scheduled for double by-pass. I'm a walker, was doing 4 miles daily but then heel spur came and as I've gotten older I'm now almost 3 miles a day. I try to bike and do fairly good but my hubby of 41 yrs. goes to long and its exhausing. He now plays tennis 4 x a week so that gives me a break. ha ha I don't smoke nor do I drink, eat pretty healthy. I keep up on everything as far as my Dr. appointments go and take my med. for high blood pressure and cholesterol daily. My dad and brother had the same disease with HBP and Cholosterol, I paid attention to this and that is why when I felt that pain I knew something was wrong.