Hello Dr. Passi
My wife developed frozen shoulder on her right side in 2006 when she was 47 years (d.o.b. 6 Oct 1958). Shoulder scan showed there was a minor tear and was advised physiotherapy. It did not help her much. I noticed she started dragging her right foot when she walks and ankle on her right leg was stiff. She found it difficult to wear her shoes.
In June 2007 while she was driving, she felt her right leg was weak and unsteady. She did not drive after that incident and we consulted a Neurologist in Sept 2007. Neurologist concluded after physical examination, blood tests and MRI that she has early stages of Parkinson's disease. She was naturally devastated and went for a second opinion. Second Neurologist also confirmed PD. She started medication in early 2008. She was on Ropinirole initially and then moved to Sinemet CR. Her condition has deteriorated over time. She is now finding it difficult to get up from bed and need help. She has more off time now. Some days medicines do not work and she gets frustrated. She has poor balance and had few falls lately.
She now takes daily 8 tablets of Sinemet CR 50/200, 3 tablets of Ropinirole 2mg, 1 Sinemet 25/100 and 1 Comtan 200 mg between 5.00 am and 8.30 pm.
She does not have tremor, but her right side becomes weak and she is unable to move when medicines do not work.
She feels her bowel movement is slow and not regular.
She works four days a week and wants to carry on working.
Appreciate your comments and / or suggestions. Does she need any other treatment?
Please treat this as confidential.