I am 23, 5'8, 125 lbs. A week and a half ago, I felt a pop near my first metatarsal on my left foot when landing a jump in ballet. The pain was not excruciating but when I placed weight on my foot, I could definitely tell that something felt off. It became more swollen over the next few days and hurt considerably to walk. According to my MRI, I have a partial tear to the FHB, a tuft fracture, osteoarthritis in my bunion, and bruising/ swelling around the tibial sesamoid. My dr only mentioned the tendon tear, put me in a boot for 8 weeks, and said to use crutches as needed. I have had several injuries to my other foot (right foot) that have been treated with a boot but haven't seemed to heal properly. I'm worried that the same thing is going to happen with this most recent injury to my left foot. Should I get another opinion?