Im dealing with very strange sintoms for long time.
Already for two years I have big headaches; Last year I said this was enough, I went to the doctor, and because I also have problems with my nose, she asked for one ct scan, and allergie test, the last one was everything ok. But the ct scan showed up that my "channels" were blocked, that I would be up to me to make operation (with one hot needle to open). But the specialist said: Headache its impossible to be from here.
So I went back to my doc. because of the headaches and I gave the idea to change my birth control pill... She did it, and gave me zoely. before I was with valette. First month, in September, was the same headaches, the next 2 months I was completly without headache!!!( but I have been almost 1 month near the sea on vacation, maybe was good for my nose = no headache, but I dont know).
Then I started to feel for the first time, in november, kind of horrible pain in my legs, like tickling and pain, really strange.. I though it was from stress at the moment. But then I started to feel this more times. Also my headache came back in December.
And now in January It just went worst. Doesnt matter if I'm stading or sitting or lyng, I have this strange pain in my legs. I went doc. he said to quite the zoely and to wait two months. But I still have a lot of pain.. last week I had so horrible pain in my lower muscles of my leg, and also the tickling stills here sometimes.. and now this week I have horrible pain in my head/neck already since monday, I took bruffen 300 but it doesnt work anymore, what is strange for me, because if I have headeache I take brufen and it disapears..
Im just getting worried, I didnt went to work, im getting stressed and cant even concetrate.. :(