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I have suffered with postherpetic neuralgia for six and a half years. it burns, itches, stings and hurts 24/7. The location is part of the problem, it starts just below my left eye and goes in a two inch wide band up through my eyebrow, forehead, and scalp to about the crown of my head. I have tried most everything including, neurotin, gabapentin, tegretol, tramadol, lyrica, capsatian cream, asprecream, lidocane, accupunture, infrared, etc. I have also tried pain management, nothing has helped. Of course if i take enough drugs it will mask the pain, but of course it just comes back as soon as I stop taking the drugs. If I take enough drugs it just puts me in a stuper and I cannot live like that. I know part of my problem is , you cannot put very many things into the eye. I also have a nerve in the inside corner of my left eye that fires (hurts & stings) whenever I touch the inside of my left ear, scratch my scalp in the affected area, the wind blowing on my eyebrow will make the nerve fire. on a pain scale of 1 - 10 it stays about a 3 all the time, occationally it goes up to a 5. The only way I can halfway function is I have to ignore it completely by concentrating on something else. I am hoping there is something new out ther that will help me. None of the doctors that i have visited, seemed to know or care very much about my condition. I am 75 years old. Please help if you can. This condition is very debilitating and distracting, it is hard to keep your mind on anything very long before the pain creeps back into contention. I am open to most any type treatment except drugs.