Hello Doctor,
I have red swollen itchy toes, and i'm trying to figure out whether I recently got frost bite, since I've never had a driver's liscence & I therefore cycle a lot, or whether I could have contracted some sort of fungus, like athlete's foot. I've been traveling a lot, in extreme whether conditions, and I've recently been exposed to extremely unsanitary conditions while traveling through India, so either could be possible.
To complicate things even further, I also seem to suffer from bunions. I've never worn stiletto shoes, which rules that out as the cause for my bunions, however all shoes seem to be a bit painful now... At first I thought all this swelling & redness could be blamed on shoe discomfort due to the bunions, but the itchiness is a new symptom that indicates I might have a whole new problem on my hands.....
Please help! It's winter here & I have to wear shoes....