in 1993, i pulled myself( by sucking action within mouth cavity)a muscular structure which exist in pair within our mouth/throat cavity(both on right and left side) just opposite to a result i developed following symptoms/difficulties:-
1) severe discomfort in head.(not pain)
(stiffness like feeling)
2) severe stiffness in muscles, in mouth/throat cavity and i couldn't able to swallow solid foods.
3) severe stiffness in abdominal muscles causing gastric
4) restricted movement of tongue difficulty in
5) dullness and depressive state of mind.
6) lack of concentration and poor memory.
* CT scan (brain) MRI(brain) are normal but EEG test report
shows some disturbances.
EEG test report:
1) extremely fast low voltage discharges recorded in right frontal and temporal area.
2) spasm of right frontalis and temporalis
I consulted various experts but they failed to understand the difficulty, as a result they reffered me for psychiatric treatment which i recieved for almost 12-13 years, but of no use at all. i havebeen given almost every antidepressent/antianxiety medicine but no relief whatsoever.
due to my mistake i think some sort of damage has occured to my nervous system due to which this muscle related problem has arrised but due to uniqueness of the problem, experts hvae not been able to diagnose it.
please advice.