29 yr old, female. I am having severe sacroiliac joint pain, I believe caused by a pain management doctor. I had pain in the back of my legs for ten yes. For the longest time, only while sitting...no pain standing, walking, working out, etc. My P-doc thought it was tight hamstrings bc I am quite active, gym three to five days a week. Finally I made an apt with a orthopedic, he too an xray and said it could be a bulging disc. he referred me to a pain management doctor. This doc said no the disc is not that bad to cause a pinched sciatica. So he thinks it's my sacroiliac joint and sets me up for steriod shots. I get them done and feel good for a month, the pain comes back...he set me up for a round of second shots. I get those done and feel ok. I went to the gym three days later....and the day after that. The next morning I was in excruciating pain...I go see him he says it's just inflammation and to take aleve and rest....I do this for a week and the pain doesn't go away. I go back and he sets up a mri which comes back "normal" he them gets me to do a test injection and injects it with pain killers first, has me get up and walk around. The pain was gone! then he injects it with a steriod again, a water soluble one, this was over a week ago. I'm back to excruciating pain, i can't walk our do anything. This pain is new, I never had this issue til the second round of shots. I do not know what to do, I am an active person. I'm afraid this is permanent. I go tommorow to see him again amd am refusing any shots again, I wish I never went to him.