I have a 12 year old son whom at 3 months was Diagnosed with Eosinophilic gastro. He has been in what you could say remission for around 7 years ( as long as we stay away from certain foods, materials smells etc.) He has severe allergies to Foods, materials, antibiotics, and that sort. Two weeks ago his Disease has flared back up for no reason that we can figure out. He had a seizure for once again no reason that we could figure out again. They did a CAT and sent us to a Neurologist who ran more tests. Two of his test came back the same day with abnormalities. They have found four spots on the frontal lobe of his brain, and that he is having seizures in his sleep. The Dr. is thinking that this disease has went into his brain. We are not sure and wont find out for sure until the 28th of September. My question is if it has what we can do, and is there anything that can be done, and what is the likelihood of this happening. I know that this disease can be in the stomach where his in also in the throat... Can someone help??