Hello, well, I've had a weird type of headache the last two days and I don't know what to think of it. this will sound strange, but the phrase "shaken so bad your head rattled" sort of applies. I haven't been shaken badly that I know of, just normal day to day life. I am a swimmer at my high school and right now we are on winter break and have two practices a day. Well, yesterday I was swimming and I happened to move my head forward and it felt like my brain hit on the inside of the front of my head, like it hit the inside of my skull. Well, after practice the headache only got worse, not enough to incapacitate me, but enough to cause me discomfort, so I took some aspirin, the prescribed amount, and it didn't help at all. It hurt not only to move my head forward, but also to look to either side as well. I still have some slight discomfort from this headache, but it is not quite as bad as it was yesterday. I should also mention that during practice this morning, I started to get the same strong feeling I got yesterday, but I stopped swimming for a while and it seemed to go away. I don't know if the pool itself could cause this, but recently we've had trouble with the chemicals in our pool being imbalanced. They're working on fixing this, but for the past weeks the imbalance has cause me as well as other girls on the team breathing problems and so most of us are even shorter of breath than what would be expected while doing a workout. It got so bad yesterday that even after being out of the pool for twelve hours I was still having a hard time taking a deep to medium breath. If you could please give some advice and tell me perhaps what I should do that would be wonderful. Thank you so much for your time! :)