My mom is taking 4mg suboxone, up to 4x a day, as prescribed to her by a detox center. She had been taking up to 15 30mg roxy pills a day. She started last Friday and has been doing very well, after only really feeling withdrawl symptoms that first day. Out of nowhere she suddenly had trouble breathing, her arms started shaking and she felt like someone was standing on her chest. She complained that she couldn't breath and broke into a cold sweat. I know that this is typical withdrawl symtoms but it seems strange to me that this happened out of nowhere, after being fine for so many days. After about 10 mins it seemed to fade but was only gone about 5 mins before the symptoms came back. It has come and gone about 10x but seems to be passing. Do you think I need to take her to the hospital or do you think that she should just lay down and get some rest? She wants to just lay down and go to sleep. I'm worried it will come back and I'm not sure how to handle this.