Last week, I was working with oil-based paint and I used paint thinner to help remove some of the leftover paint from my skin. I thought that I had adequately washed the areas of my skin where I had used the paint thinner, but about half an hour later, the skin on the back of my arm started burning. By the time I got to some water to wash the affected area, my skin would not stop burning. It was quite painful, so I decided to go to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, the pain was pretty dull. And the affected spot was red, and looked much like a sunburn. Over the next few days, the area didn't seem to change. But a few days ago, the skin on the back of my arm became extremely dry and the area became a bit more red and lighter-colored bumps appeared throughout the affected area. I have been showering as I normally would, about once a day, and I have not been using soap on the burn. The area seems to have gotten a little smaller, but not significantly smaller, and the pain is moderately low. But, I wanted to know, is there anything that I should/can do about this burn?