Hi there. For the past 3 weeks I have had an extremely sore throat (worse on swallowing), sore and swollen lymph glands in my neck, bilateral earache, occasional cough and I wake up about 4am coughing and then have excessive saliva production which lasts for about 2 hours. I am on Keflex and Ranitidine as my doctor thought it may be gastro-oesophageal reflux. I have also been on Aurorix for 3 months. I have not noticed any improvement in my symptoms at all. I have had a tonsillectomy as a child. I had a lap. chole 4 months ago and developed peritonitis 2 days post-op due to bile leakage from the liver. I also have a sliding hiatus hernia. Could any of this be a contributing factor or do you think it is a viral infection. Thank you, Marion