40 yr old famale with history of hypertension,very high cholesterol,diabetic,and other health issues,suffer from chronic back pain,has had 2 back surgeries,hysterectomy.spinal stenosis,fibromyalga,digenerative disk diseaese,and on numerous meds for all,,,not feeling well this am as well as the other morning,when went for ov with my cardiologist,bp then was 138/100,,pulse was 88,,,this am bp107/78 P-80,having same symptoms,,with some chest pain and alot of panic anxiety feeling as well as when i was in specialist office,they didnt listen to me,just set me up for a stress/echo,,,so scared since i have alot of family history with heart disease and my father had stints put in at a very early age,and my left arm stings and has a vessel that sometimes is collapsed and hurts,,,i have had 3 stress test in the past and wore monitor for 4 weeks and in reports neither showed no abnormalities,,having worked in medical and hospital for 22 years i know those test sometimes dont show all,,,also my psychiatrist had put me on a med in jan that has caused me to gain 46lbs i know i need something for my depression but i have asked to change it cause not only the weight gain it makes me feel so bad,and i was born raised on a farm and have always been a very outgoing hyper person,now i feel so tired and weak all the time,its not me,,days i have to push myself to do what i have to ,under alot of stress and alot going on in my life,but i am the type that tried to stay busy to keep my mind off things,good days and bad days with back issues,,i dont want to live my life on meds and i try so hard to keep going and stay active and get rid of weight gained,i have 2 dogs that i walk 3-4 times daily,on my good days that is,,,i guess my question to you is should i change doctors and change meds????some of meds i have been on 8 yrs or longer.I have no desire to do anything or be around anyone,no sexual desire and its destroying my marriage well he has already had 6 affairs even before i got in the shape i am in.thank you Jeannie