I have recently been in contact through numerous children below the age of two for my internship. Since starting I have been sick on and off for the past 5 weeks. After having enough I finally decided to go to my doctor who diagnosed me with strep throat. I had swollen glands, an on and off sore throat, white spots on the back of my throat, swollen tonsils, post nasal drip, a headache, and general tiredness. The strep test came back positive and she prescribed me an antibiotic and told me to switch out my tooth brush. I took my antibiotics and felt my symptoms improve. My tonsils reduced in size and I felt much better. Last Friday evening, after spending some time out in the snow enjoying our unusual weather I began to not feel well again. A general scratchiness in my throat, a tired feeling, and swollen glands. Over the past couple of days I have seen most of my symptoms return. During all of this I have run a higher temperature than I normally do but not above 98.6. A couple of weeks ago I did have a virus I believe and my temperature was higher than 98.6, but not during this round of issues. Is it possible to have a re-emergence of strep throat or is this something else entirely?