Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My husband has excessive ear wax...last friday, 3 days ago, He experienced pain and hearing loss. Tried to remove wax with q-tips got quite a bit out and felt he had pushed some farther down the canal. Got some removal drops tried it but it was not effective after one use. So he went to a CVS pharmacy, that said they did wax removal. The nurse used a machine thing(I was not there for this) it irrigated, with some pressure . My husband said it vibrated. While he was there his ear started bleeding. It hurt him so badly he asked her to stop. She said to take tylenol and put antibiotic drops in his ear and come back in 3-5days to see if she could get the wax out then. This was this morning. He is still in pain, alternating from stabbing to throbbing pain. Has his ear drum been perforated and what is the best course of action from here?