Have tingling and numbness in the center of brain started in 2004 when left thyroid lobe was removed but went away ,in 2007 I started having severe sleep probs up for almost 7 days not a good feeling, I was put on lunesta NOTHING over the counter drugs gave me severe nerve pressure and loss of concentration which I had to walk off added to the no sleep ,than doc put me on ambien finally got 4 hours of sleep took for week than quit was ok for a few months than I had the sensation of falling sharply to the left but was standing still no pain in head or headache doc had no idea .Ive also had dizzy spells and when starting menstrual I would get beyond exhaustion and foggy headed, but would feel lbetter a few days after cycle was done than after rt shoulder surgery I was diagnosed with gastropriesis and told to take laxative , ok in 2008 the exhaustion with menstrual cycle got longer lasting from 2 weeks to 6 months and then went almost completely away, Than in 2009 March so exhausted I could not get up out of the bed for 2 months , I called doc he made app went in I asked him if it was thyroid related he did check blood work from Doc who removed thyroid two mon after surgery and the test from endocrinologist A few months before doc had did his blood work he caught it and you think when asked the endocrinologist would of compared blood work from all blood done for thyroid from my doc Nooooo she ignored it . Well put on levothyroxine 0,025 worked one day felt exhausted next day went on found new doc for thyroid Told him I was still severley exhausted and need cortisol test he he would not give me test for over a yr and finally did one in March 2011 came back hi he blew it off so I blew him a kick off too, I am now experiencing crying spells exhausted and feelings of despair when my neck or low back is pressed up on chair any chair it starts those feelings and felt like I was losing mind also had nerve pressure and pain in low back between shoulders mid back tail bone seen chiropractor felt great that whole day til 5pm started back o the tingling and numbness on rt side of the head was going on to , I got adjusted three times total and the tingling n numbness went away but came back a few days ago for about three days and is now gone but neck aches when I sit against chair which starts the nerve pressure going in both wrist and knees and ankles and I stay swollen no matter how much water I drink I avoid salty foods which is hard when I crave salty and sweet crap now I hate sugar and salt , I am slowly feeling less tired and less despair cept when neck aches from either sitting in chair along with my back and legs and is such a tight feeling in neck when I sit to long could this be from a pinch nerve along with perimenopause or menopause or hormone imbalance Ive stopped diet sodas and cut way back on flour products I eat two to three pieces of bread in a day no eating out anymore .so what do you think is the problem?