I have re-occuring angio-edema with cyclical eye lid swelling. It is typically10-14 days after my period. Along with this comes an intense, uncontrollable itchy, stickiness and burning of my eyelids. Sometimes my face has been so disfigured from the swelling, you almost couldn't recognize me. Additionally I have hive like symptoms around one eye, and a knot feeling on the inside corner of my eye that feels inflamed and itches and hurts. I have had anaphalactic shock due to a swollen tongue (food allergies were ruled out) and acne that flared up or blistered. Several years ago I had a blister on my foot that I complained about time and time again because it itched so much. No medication ever really helped. I desperately need some relief for my eyes. This has been going on for many years and I cannot take it anymore. Last month when my eye lids swelled up, I also ended up at the ER needing a dose of epenepherine because my airways were closing. Does this seem like autoimmune progesterone dermatites? I am 44 now, weigh 165 pounds and had my initial anaphalactic episode in 2004. I also had a partial hysterectomy in 2009. I had never heard of the progesterone allergy when we were considering the hysterectomy. I had been taking prometrium for a few years and was switched to a birth control pill to help control my painful periods. That made my symptoms worse and I was diagnosed with some large fibroids, thus the partial hysterectomy, keeping my ovaries. I still am experiencing cyclical painful, itchy rash in my eyes and need help. APD???? ps.. I almost forgot, my face,neck and chest also get extremely red during these attacks. My antihistamines don't seem to do much.