I have been through the menopause, and am 58 years old, I have had ongoing problems with dry vagina since, and see a gynaecologist. However, as Im due to see him for my 6 months review I was given Ovestin Cream by my GP to use to get my vagina in better shape, and I used it once and the next day my vagina was irritated and I felt like I was getting a bladder infection. I drank heaps of water and things settled down. I had been using a natural product called Membrane Cream before this, combination of Aloe Veral, Vitamin E, oil etc. but havnt had intercourse in over 2 years marriage problems. To summarise about a week later off the Ovestin I looked in the mirror down there and saw some red patches inside the vaginal walls. My doctor had given me Vagifemme to use, said I was sensitive to Ovestin. I phoned him and he told his receptionist to tell me to go back to the Membrane Cream only, but thing is I want to be ok for the Gynae visit in 2 weeks, wanted to use thrush cream but after being told not to use anything but the natural product I dont want to cause more irritation in the vagina,