Today, I went to the clinic because I had an abssess on my labia minora. The doctor removed it. When asked what the cause might be, he said that it was a possibility that it was an infection, caused by the scratching from a yiest infection. He gave me Apo-fluconazole-150 to take, once today and once in 5 days. This capsule has not helped - in fact, I'm only itchier. I've been using anti-fungal cream to try and stop the itching, but I don't want to put it over the still tender spot that the doctor cut out, as he gave me cream to put there only twice a day. What can I do to attempt to feel more comfortable? If I feel much worse now than I did before, should I take another dose of Apu-Fluconazole-150 tomorrow? I am 24, female, and 160lbs.