I m writing for a colleague. Alyssa is a 29 year old mother of three who is fit and otherwise healthy until January of this year. In January, Alyssa experienced a sudden onset vertigo and complete hearing loss in her left ear (over a few hours). She was subsequently diagnosed with sudden sensory hearing loss. Prior to that time, she had an episode of extreme muscle pain in both thighs - she explained it as feeling as though the patellar ligaments snapped across her thighs. This happened in both legs (on different days) and once was in front of me. This took her down to the ground and caused her to scream. She recovered quickly afterward but was never given a good reason for what happened (although she went to the doctor for such). After her sudden hearing loss she went through a variety of ER docs, regular docs, neurologists and ENT s. She still suffers from extreme bouts of vertigo and has had no hearing return. As one of the diagnostics run for her symptoms, a carotid ultrasound accidently found multiple masses on her thyroid. These were biopsied and came back non malignant but thyroid bloodwork is pending. Now she started having shooting pains in her shins on either side which this weekend landed her in the ER for hyperesthesia (only localized to this area). I have to believe that all these strange symptoms in a otherwise normal 29 year old woman with no previous or family history of health issues are related. Any thoughts? We seem to have stumped everyone she s gone to so far.