I'm wondering what could be happening to me? I was throwing up for almost 2 weeks the last time I threw up was last Sat Oct 2 but it has blood on it. I was thinking maybe because I threw up 2 that day and both occasions I had dark brown/red blood when I threw up.Maybe because my throat was irritated already.I had my last period Sept 7 and had contact during that time. However on the 23rd I threw up that's why I went to see my doctor and she did a blood test which turned out to be negative.So,she suggested for me to continue on Nexium which was my medication.But, I didn't even take because I could feel that I'm pregnant.I had a pink blood Oct 2 ,3 and 4th I had a little bit in the morning then it gradually get a little heavy in the evening.Then,yesterday I had a lot which is why I didn't bother to take the pregnancy test. However, I'm worried. I'm just waiting and I still wanted to take the pregnancy test.What could it possibly be?please help me.can't sleep much.thanks!