I'm 26 years old, 5'11, 220 lbs. I don't have any recurring health problems other than acne on my back.
I noticed a white spot on the tip of my penis (on the glans) on Saturday, it was kind of big but it wasn't painful or anything, it didn't seem swollen at all either. Just felt a bit tender. Yesterday, in the shower, it was still there, and I aimed the water directly at it which felt really painful. I just left it alone and when I checked it about half an hour later it was red, and there was some pus (or something similar) under the foreskin.
Now it's still red-ish and shiny, it's not a bump, in fact it looks like that part of the skin just peeled off. It feels kind of tender. The center of the spot is getting gray/white-ish.
I haven't had sex recently, the only unusual thing I've done lately was spending a lot of time in a swimming pool, on holidays. I don't know if that could be related.
I don't have any other symptoms that I can tell, it doesn't hurt when I urinate, I haven't had fever.
I've taken a photo, which isn't pretty to look at but it might help: WWW.WWWW.WW
I scheduled an appointment but unless I go to the emergency services I'll have to wait until Friday, I'd like to know if I should seek medical care before that.