Hi. I got my belly button pierced at this tattoo place called Thinkin Ink almost 4 months ago. The only thing they never told me is what gauge they used, and I knew nothing back then, so I just guessed it was the standard 14 gauge. At 2 and a half months, I changed my ring the first time to the 14 and it was hard to get through. I had to force it, but I thought it was normal for it to hurt. Anyways, ever since then it's been really red. The other day, I went to a body jewelry store at the mall, and they told me Thinkin Ink has been doing 16 gauge. That's when I knew they had pierced mine with that, and I had unknowingly gauged it. How can I make the lasting redness and some pain go away without removing or getting rid of my piercing?