I am a 23 year old female and I have always been incredibly fortunate in having really good skin. I've of course had the odd spot here and there, perhaps around the time of the month but nothing more. I've never had particularly oily or dry skin, it's been pretty normal I'd say.
Recently however, my skin has been freaking out. It's not TERRIBLE by any means, I haven't got awful acne but according to how my skin normally is, it's pretty bad. I've developed a number of spots (and whiteheads) mainly on my forehead but also scattered around the rest of my face (near my nose and around my chin) and I have no idea why.
I have noticed an increase in the oilyness of my skin so this is clearly a factor but my diet is the same and I lead a healthy active lifestyle. I have however, recently got bangs so I'm sure this is a major contributor even though recently I have been trying to pin it back to let my skin breathe but in all honesty it's nice to have it to cover up the eruption! There is another issue though, which is that I've not had my period for 3 months but I've tested and I'm not pregnant. I must be going through some sort of hormonal imbalance. This past week I've gone back on the pill to try to see if this will help both issues. What is going on and how best to treat this oily spotty skin? I tend to use all-natural products that contain no sulfates or parabens. I'd go see a doctor (although what kind?) but no insurance... Help! Sorry for all info but any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!