I am only 15, turning 16 in November. I have been having an excessive amount of issues or symptoms in the past couple of months. Some symptoms longer, just worsened recently. I m worried. I had a 3 week period & usually when i have a longer cycle i bleed heavy and have lots of big blood clots as i would on a usual cycle and start spotting near the beginning or middle of the second week but i bled heavy all 3 wks, was off for almost 2 wks & then started again bleeding heavy as usual. iv had pretty intense chest pains, shortness of breath, sinus problems, blurry vision, unable to stay concentrated, extreme depression, mood swings, excessive crying, anger issues, short temper, very irritable, nightmares, crying in sleep, clawed myself till i was bleeding in sleep, nightmares of the loss or losing loved ones, jumpy, scared, socializing issues, feeling abandoned by family & friends, seperating myself from everyone, relationship problems, trust issues, parenting skills at my age, random attitude, problems with primary support, excessive stress, feeling responsible for everything, swollen ankles, legs turning light purple when aching in a decent temp but dark purple if aching in cold, extreme back & neck pain all day everyday, muscle spasms, sensitive feelings, occasionally fainting, lightheaded, joints locking up like knees & in fingers, cramps throughout body, occasional suicidal thoughts, nausea, migraines throughout forhead, stomach growl whether full or hungry, daily constipation, sudden weight gain & loss, random bloating, weak stomach, ear infections, flashbacks nightmares and avoiding reminders of events that trouble me like witnessing drug & alcohol abuse, violence, being raped 3 times by all different people, & being abused. problems with attending school due to lack of energy, attention span, short temper, & have been bullued with drama& rumors about being raped, abused, always poor, absent a lot, since elementary. constantly wanting to fight people who talk or mess with me or ppl i care about, loss of self confidence due to what ppl say or my thoughts, thoughts about starving myself to get skinny, loss of appetite, cravings, constant stress of money, unusual fungus & blisters between toes, vomiting at least once daily, have bad relationship with biological parents, weakness in legs when hearing bad news, soar breast & nipples, breast growth, unusual breakouts of achne on face and back of shoulders, irregular amount of hair loss, itchy red skin, multiple urinary tract issues, raise in heart rate, constant yawns even when i can t sleep, fear of losing anymore loved ones , fear of death but curious of how it feels or how society