Why would an ID Dr say a bone marrow is not necessary when hemotology recommended it. She said because all of his tests were normal, but specifically mri. How can MRI tell anything about blood? This is after. 9 day inpatient Stay for a 14 month old for fever of unknown origin.? He is still fever spiking only now up to 106.3 just saw a new Pediatrician that ran blood work at our request. Levels came back. Crp 5, WBC 14.7, LVH 295! I looked up LVH, and that s out of site ! Should we insist on bone marrow? I m the grandmother, and my husband (baby s grandad) died 3 years ago if Cll and his aunt died at 2 years old in the early 1900s of leukemia. I m not stupid, I just want to know if that is reasonable request. I really believe this new dr. Will listen to my concerns, however her partner has been treating him for over a year. The fuo is very weird, he does not act sick and they come and go without ant warnings. I have been diagnosed with malignant hyperthermia during a srgy, and now know 2 uncles died on operating table years ago. No one thinks that had any bearing on my grandson either. Should we insist on bone marrow? Or what other type of tests? Please help! Thanks