My periods are always 27-29 days apart. My partner and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months. This month my period was late. It was due on the Saturday, and I began feeling nauseous, tired, my womb felt itchy inside and hard to the touch when I pressed on my belly. I did a boots hpt Monday and saw the faintest of lines. I didn't want to get my hopes up so waited til Thursday and did a first response which I read as negative within the 5mins, however when I went to throw it away at 10 mins I again noticed a faint pink line indicating a positive result? On Friday (6days late) I began having a caramel coloured mucus discharge at 1pm, which by 6pm became a very heavy bright red period with lots of clots, which has gotten progressively worse today with cramps (unusual for me). Could I be having an early miscarriage? The date of my last period was five weeks ago today?