My wife having age 26,weight 68kg,height 158cm,past 4 month she doesnt have period,and checking HB-july 1st=7.4,july end=7.1,augest 6th=6.8,aug 22nd=6.3....its continuely getting decrease.we consulting Gynecolgist,thay have done UT test and said its PCOS problem so avoid dates,and friut with high sugar contents my wife ate only vegitables,and wheat,and some rice..and prescribed question,she taking her fertility treatment also..we get married for 8month ago...
If her Hemoglobin is it enough to getting conceive???? after doctors treatments now my wife got said,,from 10th day to 20th day of her cycle you two have to be intercourse,than there lot of possiblity to get pregant it so????clear my doubt plesae....(my semen analysis was completed and doctor said,no problem...)