Hi, I have been looking up my problem tonight on line. I broke out with some bumps that look like acne on my legs and arms on Monday of this past week. These bumps have been very itchy but I have refrained from scratching until last night. The bumps have spread all over the front and back of both legs and both arms. I noticed the bumps on the back of my neck by Thursday. As of Saturday the bumps started moving onto my buttocks. I have taken Benadryl since Wednesday. However, it doesn't help -- I just get extremely sleepy. Tonight I have used Gold Bond lotion but it only helps temporarily. Then, I get the sudden urge to scratch. I feel like I am going to jump out of my skin.
One more thing, this started on Monday late afternoon. Monday I was lost in the Amish community and frankly was histarical because I had my 3 children with me and I was so scared because I couldn't find my way. Plus, I had gotten out of my car and had gotten a lot of reddish clay on my shoes. So, I shook off the clay and felt the dust on my legs and feet.
Could the dust have caused this rash-like problem?
I am a 43 year old female, 5'7". I weigh about 136 pounds. I may be hypoglycemic.