I'm a 29 year old male, with a relatively complex medical history - narcolepsy treated with modafinil, eczema treated with azathioprine, antihistamines and topical steroids, depression (currently) treated with mirtazapine, IBS treated with mebeverine, migraines treated with zolmitriptan, and various mystery symptoms untreated (vertigo, visual snow, imbalance, something weird with fasciculations and muscle pain). I'm about 5'11", and have no idea how much I weight (a little more than ideal but not enough to make doctors or nurses say anything, it would seem). I keep getting marks inside my right elbow - nowhere else. It's not quite like a bruise, there's no traume, and I'm not generally bruising easily. GP examined it and said it was probably because of my steroid creams, but it's only happening there and I don't use the steroids there very often. They're now getting more frequent and possibly larger. I'm a little worred. Oh, from reading descriptions, I think it's possibly something like petechiae - what's the singular on that?