hello, i have a daughter 10 months old, last week she got mono measeles vaccine, by evening she develop redness on her cheeks which was very mild... we did thought it was a rash, side effect of measeles vaccine, but its almost 7 days now the redness have increased and if we look more carefully tiny multi dot(bumps) appears in the redness.. the redness is on both cheek equally starts from the eye to the chin, yesterday she had slight swelling below the eye, there is no fever, no cough and no pain, but there is lot of iching especially while she goes to sleep she continuously iches her scalp, ears and cries - she is on histamine from the last 6 days. we went to the doctor, he was unable to give us a confirm diagnosis... from 3 days she has also developed two to three red spots of 1mm with multi bumps on her hand. please advise