What can I do to get the extension/hyperextension back in my knee? I tore my MCL, ACL, and meniscus and dislocated my kneecap and had to have surgery 9 months ago to repair everything. Then my knee hyperscarred, so I had scar tissue removed in the front of my kneecap 4.5 months ago, which greatly improved my flexion. My knee is always stiff, and I am always walking on a bent knee (which is very uncomfortable). When I stretch my knee really well I can get passive flexion to about 130 but actively only to maybe 100 and extension to 5 flexed. Extension is my biggest problem - it's not getting any better, and after I get it straighter by stretching, it doesn't stay straight. I've been doing some research about what could help...what are your thoughts on MUA and posterior capsular release? Please help, as I am only 19 years old, and this is greatly affecting my quality of life.