My girlfriend is 32, about 250lbs, and about 5'5", and current temp is 98.9. She's having a sharp pain in here pelvic area. Right now she says it's about a 5, but it can hit 8 or 9 on the 1-10 scale. It's been bothering her since last night, but only recently became this bad. She is not pregnant, but has had 2 children before. She's been having issues with her cycle recently. She went several months without one, and we took numerous tests to make sure she wasn't pregnant and each came back negative. She began bleeding which had continued for weeks. We went to a doctor who gave her some prescription for medicine to get her to stop. I don't know what it was, but it needed to be taken 3 times a day and was a hefty price. She stopped taking it when she stopped bleeding, but then she started again and so she went back on it. While taking it, she started bleeding and cramping. She figured this was her actual cycle kicking in. That was about 2 days ago. The doctor wanted an ultrasound to look at her ovaries, but the clinic had a schedule mix up and can't work us in until the end of the month. What could be causing her this pain? She's VERY stubborn, so is this something I should take her to the ER and not take "No" for an answer?