Hello I am 37, and of small to average height and of average weight. i am healthy but take antidepressant medication. I'm desperate with vaginal irration constantly, i am a long term thrush suffferer and no amount of medication will cure this, it always returns, i only use hypo allergenic soaps shower regularly and never scrub the sensitive area i wear cotton knickers and try to avoid tight jeans for long periods, i itch more after sex and even after my huusband has 'pleasured' me in other ways without intercourse. neither of us have a sexually transmitted infection or disease. sometimes i am try, lately the problem has been exarcebrated by pubic hair that has startede to grow within the internal labia and back through to my bottom. i had a labia reduction operation that has improved the chaffing, rubbing and soreness but the itching has worsened with the onset of the new groth of pubic hairs. please help.