Hi, I have a question about basal body temperatures. For the past month since my last period (which was from March 21st - 25th) all of my temperatures have been consistently low until I thought I ovulated on April 15th due to a dramatic rise in my temperature. The rise only lasted three days and I had sex on the 19th. Now it s May 2nd, I still haven t had a period and my temperatures continue to be extremely low. Am I pregnant? I took a test on the 27th, which was when I thought my period might come, and it was negative. However, my periods have always fluctuated and been very irregular so I m honestly not positive if I m on a set cycle or if I m late. I thought a rise in progesterone would induce consistently higher temperatures. Does this sound normal? Am I really pregnant or just so stressed out about being pregnant that my period is late? All information is welcome.