I was diagnosed w/ cat scratch disease from a biopsied lymph node in my armpit in beginning of Jan. 2011. During this whole process which started in December when I noticed the lump in my armpit, I have had throat symptoms which feel like someone is placing pressure on my throat with their hand, a common sensation I feel with anxiety. I decided to look at my throat on New Year's Eve - I then noticed that my left tonsil was slightly swollen, not sore no white spots, but I had been experiencing ear aches. The node in my neck is slightly swollen. My PCP and the Infectious Disease dr. I saw in regards to the Cat Scratch diagnosis say that they think my throat is something viral, in fact the Infectious Disease dr. said it was not related to the Cat Scratch. My concern is that I may have been misdiagnosed with CSD and actually have lymphoma/throat cancer. What is the probability of this throat issue ( which I have had over 3 wks plus now) just being something viral? Could the biopsy have overlooked Lymphoma, which is what the pathologist originally thought it was? No other symptoms other than stiffness in my shoulders and neck. No night sweats, fever, weight loss even with the CSD I am starting to feel better there are other nodes that are slightly swollen according to the Infectious Disease dr.