Two days ago,I just got this huge red bump on my upper, inner thigh & lower butt right next to my left lip.It stings like hell and its quite swollen now.
I thought if i'd put some "biaphine" it would calm it but i think it made it worse and now there is more of that yellow stuff. When i woke up I could barely walk straight. I had to walk like a peguin to work. Its irritating.
First time i ever get something like that.I hope its not a very serious disease but im scared it might be a cyst because the desciption sounded so much similar on the internet.or maybe ingrown hair that erupted? or maybe something else!!
I've attached what the infection looks like..if you would please let me know:
1- what is it exacly that i have?
2- should i see a gyno or skin doctor if needed?
3-how do i treat it?
4-what caused it and how to avoid it?
Thanks so much,