This month has been really crazy for me. Starting with the fact that I gained 10 pounds in one week, I have completely lost my appetite, I am tired all of the time, and I usually wake up in the morning nauseas. About a week ago I was at my father in laws I started having these really bad pains in my vaginal area that would cause me to break out into sweats and it made me feel nauseas all over again. During this I started bleeding so I thought it was my period but the blood was brown and I only "bleed" for three days. I am worried that this could have been another miscarriage ( I have had one before this one, I have no children) My husband really wants me to go to the doctors but I owe the hospital 5000 dollars and I don't know what to do or make of all this. Now, I am having really bad pains in my left side around where my kidneys are. (yes, I have been diagnosed with kidney cysit.)