Hi, may I answer your health ok lets start from the begining, when i was 18 i had an abnormal pap. I had a biopsy and it came back as precancerous, i had my cervix froze and then ended up pregnant i had a child and at my 6 wk visit i had an adnormal pap again. well i never went back and then when i did 5 years later when i was pregnant with my second child i had yet another abnormal pap, i ended up havin a biopsy and it came back as severe dysplasia, my doctor wanted to do a cone biobsy after i had my child but i moved out of the state and just put it in the back of my mind. well now three years later i had yet another child and when i had my 6wk check up my pap came back abnormal. so my question is what is the likely hood that after this long of me being in denial and avoiding the situation that this has turned into cancer after all this timequeries right now ? Please type your query here...