My period is due on march 29th, tomorrow. However, about 6 days ago which would have been about 8 days after my ovulation my body started doing strange things. My period has never been early. But, on that 8th day after ovulation I went to the restroom and wiped a there was a pink color on the tissue and soon after there was very little brown disharge on my panty liner then nothing. The next day it was the same thing only the discharge was a light pink color. It stopped then the next day on the afternoon I noticed two red dots on my panty liner and about a few hours later I had a very small flow of period like blood and it then stopped and nothing till the next day. For the last 3 days it has been on an off like a very small flow (my periods are usually very heavy) at night time I haven t been bleeding at all, it s stops and goes. This has been associated when some cramps. I m not sure what s going on but seems strange to me because I m never early.