I am a healthy 48 year old (49 next month) female that has never had a problem with menstrual cycles. I thought I was in early menopause as my last regular period was June, 2009. A week ago, I experienced what "seemed like period signs, i.e. tender nipples, cramps, bloating) and sure enough, yesterday began to flow, only this time, fresh red blood, not brown or old as I had tiny spots before as my period was ending. Have you seen this before? I was laid off with 3,200 people and do not have medical insurance until Summer again and was going to wait until then to get a full physical. The only change in my system this past year has been a major fall (broke ankle in two places, cut up my leg badly (in Virgin Islands boat accident) and somehow contracted MRSA through my open wounds at a church retreat (dorm situation). I sought medical attention and although the MRSA (which I never had heard of before) was a bad case, it is over and the only thing remaining is my leg recovery which is going well. I never heard of friends or women that began a period after a long break. Could you please let me know your opinion? Thank you for your service btw, I am not in pain just normal period symptoms).