I am 33 yrs old, female, 250 lbs and 5'9. On Sunday night (so not quite 4 full days ago), I was using an electric shrub/tree trimmer which was plugged in to our porch outlet connected by 2 of those outdoor type, larger, orange extension cords. I just had a major surgery to remove a spinal tumor at C-1 not quite 2 months ago and a muscle spasm hit my shoulder that brought it down, slicing through the extension cord completely. There was a pretty big spark, noise and of course a shock to me. I didnt deem it necessary to go to the ER since it only lasted a very quick second but when I went to ther restroom about 15 min later, I was bleeding vaginally. It was red at 1st, similar to a period but for the past 2 days, I cont. to bleed and it is black and very thick...tissue/clot like. I am mid-cycle and NEVER spot. Its maybe slightly achey in my lower abdomen but nothing major though I am on Oxymorphone still from surgery which could be masking pain, I suppose. Are the shock and the bleeding related or coincidence? Again, I NEVER spot in between periods. Should I be alarmed or go to a doctor? Did it just jolt my period even though I just finished bleeding about 7-8 days before it happened? The color is so strange. Please help. Starting to worry a bit...