Hi. Im 23 years old, and in pretty good health minus asthma, allergies, and extremely sensitive skin. I recently had some pretty wild sex with a man i've slept with a few times before. I shaved right before going over to his house, we had sex, including vaginal and anal (and I cant remember very well but think it went from anal to vaginal, which is obviously not good). After the act, I didnt show or use the restroom or anything, we just stood there talking for about an hour. A few days later I had very intense vaginal itching and burning, also it burned when I urinated. There were small bumps developing, but this has happened before. They dont open, they are just like cysts under the skin. I went to a "Take Care Clinic" and described my pain which they diagnosed as a yeast infection and UTI. I have these both before, wasnt too shocked about that one. They gave me antibiotics, but they did not help, in fact the bumps started to get raw, and more irritated, and the lining of my vaginal wall inflamed, so I went to the ER. The DR. said I had PID, when I showed him the now open and infected looking wounds, he said it was just an infection. He sent me home with antibiotics for the PID and also more for the UTI. I have been taking them for a few days now, and at least I can sit and walk without being in intense physical pain, but when moisture hits the sores, or when I contract muscles at all, the pain rushes back. The person I was with has been tested for everything, so although my first inclination was to think herpes, between him saying he was clean and the Dr. not suggesting it when seeing the bumps they must be something else. Either way they are very painful and inflamed. Is there anything else this could be? Is there anything I can do for the pain?