Hi, I'm new to this site and not sure how exactly it works.. I'm not even sure if I'm asking the right person these questions. I'm a young female and I have more then one question. Is burning normal before and at the end of the menstrual cycle? I don't really get any other symptoms, sometimes I'll get cramps and bloating , but the main sign is burning, then I know it's coming.. Another question is, I have noticed that I have small bumps on the labium minor , is this normal? I have changed down there before and got a razor burn and rash and it felt tender.. And is discharge normal? I get it in my under wear and it's white and embarrassing.. Is there anyway to stop this? I went to my doctor awhile ago because I was worried and he examined and said everything looks alright , but I had bathed before I went there, could that effect his judgment? He wanted to do a pap test, but I'm too scared and was too tender. He said it may be a yeast infection and took a swab , but I never got a call.. I looked up all this on the internet , google search and yeast infection, genital warts and herpes came up, so now I'm freaking out thinking I may have contracted the herpes virus.. What is a for sure way to know that you have this? I was wondering if you could help give me an idea or what it could be, to kind of put my mind at ease.