Hi, I was diagnosed with MCTD in 1998 after a two year episode of lots of seemingly unrelated illnesses. Until quite recently, RA has been dominant but well controlled with Methotrexate with flares varying from moderate to severe. Lately though, my doctor told me that Scleroderma look like becoming the dominant aspect of my disease and that I should do my research to know what I am up against. I keep getting this buzzing sensation in my legs, anywhere from my feet and ankles to my groin. It doesn't hurt. I have also been so very, very tired and my eyelids keep twitching. My joints are tender and somewhat swollen but my hands and feet are the worse - my fingers are like fat sausages and on the inside, are very red, shiny and smooth.
What is causing the buzzing sensation and is it connected to MCTD. I also have auto-immune hypothyroidism.