I am a female and 25 years old,I have had ongoing rapidly increasing fatigue for the past 5-12 months, so bad now that I cannot work and have symptoms that come and go on a regular basis and include; a constant sore throat, swelling of my face around my eyes,cheeks and nose, fevers, red rashes on my skin, a red rash across my face,rapid hair loss around my hair line, aching joints in my knees that also swell and my fingers, ice cold hands and feet, itchy skin, feeling of shortness of breath, dry eyes, bloodshot or yellow eyes, a lump the size and texture of a golf ball in my right breast that has changed the shape and size of my breast, a lump under my right armbit that has been there for 6 months now, memory loss & extreme lack of energy. All of these symptoms have become pretty much a habit every day of my life now, I am getting tests done and have been for 12 months and still no answers, I was wondering if you have any suggestions of diseases or areas I should be checking?? I am worried about Hodgkins Lymphoma and also Systemic Lupus. Do you think these are a possibility? Thank you in advance for your help.