I'm 19, female, Australian, and currently overseas travelling in europe.
5-6 weeks ago (the day I was flying out) I got Tonsillitis, I was given one week of antibiotics (penicillin), the pus on my tonsils went away and my tonsils went down a bit. Then a week later the tonsillitis came back again, I found a doctor and they gave me 2 shots of penicillin and another week worth of antibiotics. Again, the pus went away and my tonsils went down a little bit, but my tonsils have still not gone.
I have now caught some sort of cold, I have congestion, lethargy, fever every now and again and am coughing up a lot of phlem. My tonsils don't have pus on them and from what I can see they have not flared up again, but in the past day or so I feel like I have a lump in the left side of my throat. It feels like it's around the area an adams apple would be if I were male, or just above there. I think it may be some inflamed tissue.
I'm not sure what to do as I feel if I seek out another doctor they'll only give me more antibiotics and I don't think they'll help.